Presidents's Message
In the name of ALLAH the most beneficent and merciful
Dear brothers and sisters,
May peace and blessings of Almighty shower on every one of you. Indeed Wisdom is not just another school but a dream school. Yes we are a group of like minded brothers who felt a vacuum in the society for a CBSE curriculum based institution, inculcating a value based, interactive education with modern
infrastructure, and with students not just memorising everything but learning with reasoning. We deeply study every child being admitted for their ability and guide them to excel in their interested field. We maintain the profile of every child from their entry into WISDOM ZONE and the same will be a guiding light for the parent to decide their future. Yes, inspite of being the youngest institution in our area, our students and teachers have shown their presence in every event they compete. By the grace of Almighty we will insha Allah succeed in moulding
our children into wonderful human beings through whom our society will be surely benefitted. And every wisdom product will have a brand value in the society.
Jazakallah and with best wishes

Secretary's Message

In The Name of Allah, The Most Beneficent, The Most Merciful.
We at Wisdom Public School encourage our children to take intellectual risks in an atmosphere that is both challenging and supportive. Our Wisdom students are problem solvers. They learn to evaluate what they hear, read and see, in doing so they take control of the foundation of their learning, become self-confident, competent and ready to lead.
The world of classroom and methods of teaching have undergone both visible and invisible changes,while the structure of school with textbooks and timetables may have remained untouched. The process of learning is evolving and hence we are forced to adapt new technology and modern technical knowhow, even to educate young kids of Kindergarten. Even in terms of discipline we need a shift from authoritative environment to democratic and collaboration.
We in our institution strive hard to achieve our goal of producing self thinking intellectuals with good character and noble heart along with the religious bent of mind.
I take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks to our beloved Principal, Headmistress, teaching and non teaching staff for their continuous professionalism, excellence and dedication.
May Allah bless all our Trust members to keep unity and maintain solidarity.
Assalamu Alaikum.
From Principal’s Desk

In the name of Allah, the Most Gracious, the Most Merciful.
Wisdom Public School, Veerapandianpatnam always believes in the individual success and growth of every student. I am extremely honored and pleased to join this community of learners.
Learning is a lifelong process which helps creating and understanding moral and ethical values to guide us on the right path. We are proud to work with the parents and ensure that the students are given the right knowledge to face the future challenges as a team to complement each other’s efforts.
I am sure this will help our children to realize, understand & discover their talents and also help the children to develop both physically & psychologically. The school is mindful in providing enough space and
opportunities for them to learn values combined with academics.
Looking forward to embracing all the challenges with confidence, steadfastness and fortitude to build the nation with young leader having strong mind and steadfastness as it to match the wise man Nelson
Mandela’s saying:
“Youths of Today are the Leaders of tomorrow.”
Dr. B. Zulaiha Shakeel